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As dog owners, our pet’s health is not only our responsibility, but a stressor. Minimizing stress and focusing on health and happiness improves both of your lives. Did you know, over 70% of dog owners don’t know what’s in the food they’re feeding their dogs? Nearly 30% of pet owners experienced barriers to veterinary care. The main one, cost.
We’re conditioned to trust commercial dog food brands, but they don’t always have our pup's health in mind and tend to take advantage of a loosely regulated industry. Labels use words like ‘premium’ even though it holds no value in the pet food and is used as a marketing tactic to deceive dog owners into buying food filled with preservatives and harmful ingredients. Human-grade dog food is not only humane, but will save you less vet visits as your dog will be eating food filled with nutrition rather than bad ingredients that lead to daily and long term health issues.